"Our life is one open book full of pages. We laugh, we cry, we smile, we stumble, we stand, we fall, and we succeed. Every chapter defines who we really are."

I only got through generation 1 and part of 2. For the rest, check out my tumblr.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Generation 02, Chapter 14: But It's Not My Birthday


Finally!  These are new photos that I took in December over my winter break so they are much more recent than the ones in the previous posts (which I took back in March and April).  O_O

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Oh my God, what was I so worried for?  She's a baby.  Still in law school for Pete's sake.  I quickly rip off the glasses and set them back into my room.

Then I head downstairs towards the kitchen to start my daily tasks.  I find Champ behind the stairs and his face lights up when he sees me.

After we kiss, Champ asks, "Has Myrtle been giving you stupid instructions?  She's been bombarding with rules about what I can and can't do.  I can't mow the lawn between the hours of nine and 6 and I have to tip-toe on the gravel because her work is so 'important.'  My work is important!"

"Hopefully she'll be leaving soon," I say unconvincingly.  We kiss again but are interrupted.

"Calla?!  Where are you?!  I need you to come up here and unpack my suitcase immediately!"  Blanche's irritating voice screeches her first of many demands.

"There you are!  I don't want to have to call you all the time.  I'll be working 24/7 and I have no time to be wasting on your.  Do you have a cell?  I'll text you.  Oh, and I'll need all my clothes washed, ironed, and folded.  And be careful with some of my outfits.  Some are very delicate and I do not want them ruined.  Also, bring me a snack.  I'm allergic to nuts and I'm lactose intolerant so don't bring anything like that.  I'll be in my room, you can find me there.  But please, don't try to bother me.  I know you probably don't understand, but my work is very hard.  Just do those things for me, pronto."

"Yes, ma'am," I mutter.

"Good," she nods, and walks out of the room.

"Bitch," I glower as I go to grab her suitcase and heave it down the stairs.  What does she have in here?  A body?  If this keeps up, I'm definitely going to have a word with Myrtle.

By the next day I've just about had it.  I can't do any of my normal duties because I'm constantly running up and down the stairs obeying Blanche's every command.  Finally, Blanche is taking a "beauty rest" and I take the time to first rest my own self a bit and then have a get with Myrtle about her insane niece.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Dhaval, but Blanche is constantly asking me for things and it's keeping me from my regular household tasks."

"Well, she is a very talented young woman.  It's not easy getting into her law school.  She had to beat millions of other applicants just to get a spot."

"Um, that's great.  So could you just tell her to let down her demands a bit?  Just so I can get other chores done?"

"I suppose," she drifts off.  "Hey, for dinner later tonight, we're having a small gathering.  Perhaps you could serve some drinks there?"

"Sure, no problem."

"And could you change your outfit to something more formal?  That uniform isn't the most appealing...."

"Sure," I say flatly.  She chose the damn thing.  Who in their right mind would ever choose to wear this as an actual outfit.

Champ?  Where are you?  I haven't seen you all day?  I text, but he doesn't reply.  That's really odd.

It's nearly dinner time and I slip on a nicer outfit and some high-heels and start to walk down the stairs towards the kitchen to get some beverages started.

"There you are," Champ grins as he wraps his strong arms around me and kiss me.  He rubs his face against my hair and breathes in deeply.  Meanwhile, I'm squirming and trying to escape.

"Champ, seriously, I need to go get drinks ready.  Please let me go."  I stop trying to get out of his grip because it's obvious he has a complete physical advantage over me.

"No no no, come outside with me first.  I have something to show you."

"Really?  Now?" I whine.

"Yes, now close your eyes...."

He leads me to the backyard and when he releases his hands I gasp.

In front of my are Mr. and Mrs. Dhaval, Antares, Rina, and Blanche.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all shout in unison.

I'm utterly shocked.

"Thank you, but it's not actually-"

"Aw, she's trying to deny it.  Don't worry, we didn't put your actual age on the balloons," Myrtle informs me.

I pretty much give up trying after that.  As I continue to gaze around, I realize that it doesn't matter that my birthday was over a month ago.  They threw a birthday party for me and it's one of the best I've had since I was little.

"How... how did you find out?"

"Your friend Ms. Flavius told us a few days ago," Myrtle explains.

Chartreuse?  How did she get this number?  Oh right, I called her last week from the Dhaval's phone instead of my cell.  She must have saved the number.  She always knew that my birthdays had never been half-decent since I started working for Gainsboro.  

"Thank you guys so much.  This is one of the best birthday parties I've ever had."

Rina steps up towards me and hands me a gift.  It consists of a few pans and an apron.

"Why does she need those?  Doesn't she already have all the equipment she needs?" Myrtle asks suspiciously.

I smile knowingly at Rina and Rina says, "I took a chance," which leaves Myrtle as puzzled as ever.

Mr. Dhaval gives me a present from he and Myrtle.

"Now this isn't a raise, but it's just a small bonus," he explains, handing me an envelope with what I assume to be a check.  I thank him and then Blanche hands me a mini basket of lotions, which I know has been sitting in the Dhaval's cupboard since before she came.

Antares hands me a card.  "Champ and I were wondering if you'd like to help work at the bar sometime.  We'd love the help."

"I'd love to, Antares.  That'd be an honor."

He smiles shyly as Champ comes over to give me a gift.  It's small enough to fit in the palm of my hand.

I open it to discover a beautiful hand-carved heart pendant necklace.  Champ gestures for me to turn around and he puts the necklace around my neck.

"It's gorgeous," I gasp.

We embrace and kiss.  Realizing that we're still in front of people, we pull away but he keeps his arms wrapped around me.

"Would you like to go grab a drink?" Champ asks.

"I'm not sure..." I drift my attention towards Myrtle.

"Oh don't worry about it.  We'll put the dishes away," she assures me.  And then you can deal with them tomorrow," she hastens to say.

I manage not to frown as I thank her for being "so kind," and then Champ, Antares, and I walk down to the bar and have ourselves a few nice drinks.


  1. Blanche is such a lovely person. -_-
    I get the feeling that Calla's going to have to tell them all the whole truth soon enough. I dunno. Just ignore me rambling.


    1. Haha, I know right? -_- She acts a little better in the actual book, I think. Or at least, you get to know her personality better in the book. I'm not the best, nor do I have the patience, for character development.

      She will! Good guess. :D
