"Our life is one open book full of pages. We laugh, we cry, we smile, we stumble, we stand, we fall, and we succeed. Every chapter defines who we really are."

I only got through generation 1 and part of 2. For the rest, check out my tumblr.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Generation 01, Chapter 10: Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing


The quote in the title is by Phyllis Diller.

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Mystic finally gave birth to two foals, Magic and Miracle (both girls), last week so that probably explains why I'm riding them in my dreams.  They're carrying Adam and I through a jungle when all of a sudden a monkey speaks to me. "Mom, mom! You need to get up."

"What?" I ask. I must be delirious. I shake my head and turn away.

I open my eyes and see James staring out the window of our room. "Mom! Look, it's snowing! Wake up and see!" He repeats. I shake my head and rub the sleep out of my eyes. 

Then I shake Adam's shoulder.  "Honey, wake up. Look outside."

Adam groans and peeks his eyes at me.  He smiles and then looks over at James.  "How about you go put on the new winter gear we bought you, James.  We'll be out in a sec."

James stands there and then squeals and runs out of the room with Kadie in pursuit.

Adam embraces me under the covers and closes his eyes.  "Adam," I whine.  "You can't go back to sleep."

"Just a few minutes," he murmurs against my neck.  His hands wrap about my sides and he pulls me close to him.  I have to admit, it's very tempting to just stay inside next to this warm hunk of man but I don't want James to be outside alone.  Plus, this is the very first snow that we've ever seen.  We should probably go out and enjoy it.

His breath is warm against my skin as he whispers, "So, have you thought about more children?  Or are we done?"  I'm stunned by his question (considering that it's too early in the morning for clear thinking, especially about important topics such as the former) but tell him that I have to think about it.

The girls' cries bring me to my feet.  Adam finally gets up too and we get the girls ready for the outdoors too.  I look out the window and see James has somehow already built a large igloo. 

It takes about forty-five minutes but Adam and I finally get ourselves and the girls ready for the coolness of the outdoors.  I step out the door and the snow crunches underneath my feet.  It's a pleasantly cushiony substance and I just want to fall into it.

"Let's go see what your brother is doing," I say once Adam and Calla come out.

I glance over at the stable and realize that it was good thing Adam called for a roof to be added to the horse stable because there's a lot of snow and more is falling down.

Calla and Zoe go into James's igloo but apparently, it's not very interesting because they both pop back out a few minutes later complaining about the cold.  James entertains them a bit with a game of peek-a-boo to distract them from complaining and it works... for a little while.  Adam and I bring them back inside and they eat their breakfast and watch cartoons.  They seem very content so I carry out a baby monitor and Adam, James, and I continue to play outside.  

We start off by making snowmen.  It's laborious and I feel like my fingers are going to freeze off.  I'm still tentative and have no yet touched the snow with my bare hands.  Adam and I invite James to build our snowman with us but he's convinced we're too old and so he starts making his own right next to us.  I have to admit, Adam does most of the building.

I'm just in awe of the snow.  It's such a strange substance that I can't help but constantly admire it.  I never knew I could direct my attention to such a simple thing for such a lengthy period of time.

Well, by the time James leaves for school, Adam and I have completed our snowman and James had fun ruining his.

Adam quickly drops the girls off at a friend's house for a play date and then he and I spend some time together making snow angels and building a snow cat.

James makes an amazing big brother.  He did get a bit jealous having two younger sisters stealing the attention but he discovered quite quickly that it doesn't help to pout and complain about them.  He constantly helps take care of them and because of that, he is privileged.

I find my two boys taking care of the girls while I cook dinner.  James is hanging out with Zoe while Calla babbles about her best friend, Chartreuse Flavius, another little girl who is Calla and Zoe's age.

For dinner, we have breakfast foods.  It has continued to snow all day today so much so that James' school was cancelled at noon and tomorrow there won't be any school either.  So the breakfast food, which is James's favorite type of food, is in celebration of no school.

Despite not having school tomorrow, James still decides to get started on his homework.  He's learning how to do long division so Adam sits down and helps him while the twins play contently by themselves with the new dollhouse they received on their last birthday.

"Oh, Cal!"  Adam exclaims.  "I forgot to tell you, Dexter and I are planning on going out of town to a horse show that only comes around every ten years or so.  It's not until the summer but I'm just warning you ahead of time."

"Really?  Okay, you'll have to remind me when it comes around."

"Dad!"  James whines.  "You're supposed to be helping me.  I don't understand how to get rid of this number...."

At last, James gets his homework done.  Adam and I put the little girls to sleep and James, Adam, and I go downstairs, snuggle on the couch together, and watch a movie with a bowl of popcorn in our hands.

The next day, on James's day off, Adam put up beautiful holiday lights up on the eaves of the house where a million icicles grew over night.  Adam and James spend more time outside.  Honestly, one day was enough for me.  I'm still getting used to this cold so I stay inside with the little girls.

James takes care of the two foals.  He's been given the responsibility of taking care of the foals and he's stated that one day he's going to grow up and take care of the horses "just like daddy."

We drop the little girls off at another play date and then Adam and James convince me to come outside and go ice skating.  Fortunately, Adam and I have gone ice skating on a rink before but James has not.

We walk over to a local pond that has been deemed safe to skate on.

James is wobbly at first and spreads his arms out to keep his balance.  Adam stays close behind him just in case he falls, which he does a few times.

He's a quick learner and is soon able to follow behind Adam and make full trips around the entire pond without tripping.

His confidence rises and he and I skate together in the middle of the circle while Adam shows off his moves.

"You showoff!"  I giggle as he skates around James and I backwards.

After many many months of snow, it's finally the beginning of summer.  Adam has gone with Dexter to the horse show so it's just the kids and I at home.  James does a great job of taking care of his little sister and even helps me put them to bed each night.

Kadie is getting old now.  She can barely walk up the stairs and prefers to sleep most days.  In a way she is like a cat, except bigger, of course.  The little girls give her plenty of entertainment what she's not asleep.

Summer should be a nice break from Winter, definitely.  Adam should be coming home soon and when he does, we'll be celebrating the twins' birthday as well as James's.  With the children getting older, I think back to Adam's question from earlier this year.  Then I text him:

Our family is complete.

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Thanks for reading!!  :)  OMG, I cannot believe Calista is finishing with 103 children.  That's so strange to think about.  O_O

Meh, I tried to keep it somewhat interesting but I pretty much had to make a smooth story line out of a bunch of random pictures (because I was super excited to test out Seasons so I just took random screenshots of everything without thinking about making them make sense), which wasn't too successful but... oh well.



  1. This was sooo cute!

  2. Aww the pics are so beautiful, especially the last two; so cute =3

    I'm kind of scared of the next generation though. Excited but scared :)

    1. Haha, don't be scared! :O Actually, feel free to be scared. I'm a bit scared too because I have no idea what I'm doing. :3

  3. awwww. This was adorable! <3
    ~Danielle Smores

    1. Thank you, Danielle! I think the toddlers are so cute!!!

  4. Oh my glob.

    <2 I adored it! :D
    And I thought James taking care of his sisters was too cute!
    I love the winter. (In game.>.>)
    Mostly because it reminds me of whats outside my window right now.
    (Silly Canada.)

    xD I loved it!


    1. Hehe, "glob" made me laugh. xD

      OMG, same. I only like virtual snow. Haha, it's snowing tonight where I live too!

      James is adorable! I'm trying to make him seem like a good brother. He's too perfect!

      Thanks, Zoe!

  5. Aww, I hoped Calista would have just one more child, but oh well :)

    James, Calla and Zoe are just absolutely gorgeous! All five of them just make a perfect family in their beautiful house!!

    I'm going to miss Kadi when she passes on but for now I hope she lives the rest of her life in comfort!

    The new foals are just precious, you have quite a packed house!!

    Great chapter, Molly :D

    1. Lol, I really want more children. But three's enough for her. xD

      Thank you! I love her children! I wouldn't change them for the world!

      I miss Kadie too! She's already gone in the game. :'(

      Haha, yeah. Lots of pets. :P

      Thanks, Kurtis!

  6. *sniffs* that was a beautiful way to end the post! I loving how James is taking care of his younger sisters. Zoe and Calla are still adorable! Snow. I happen to love snow very much, but it is extremely rare for it to snow where I live. It's only happened twice. oh I'm rambling again. Anyway, great post Molly


    1. I'm glad you think so!!! I totally just made the last part because I wanted to bring up the fact that there weren't going to be more children without obviously saying it. :P

      I love snow too! Aw, you don't get a lot of snow? That might be good. After a while, it gets very annoying. But it is beautiful before cars and people ruin it.

      Thanks for commenting, Zoe! :)

  7. Loved it!! I love Calista and Adam's twin girls, they're so cute!! ^_^ I'm excited to read more of calista's legacy soon.
    I think this was a entertaining post, I still love the way you match the sims' hair and eye colors with their clothes and house. :D
    Can't wait for more real soon. :D


    1. They are cute! I hope you like the next generation! It should be... interesting.

      OMG, I only do that because I'm kind of obsessed with berry sims and that's the way I'm able to do it. Also, I suck at clothing my sims so it makes it much easier to color their clothes like that.

      Thanks, Hailey! :)

  8. Awesome! (as always!:) Calla and Zoe are sooo CUTE!!!! I love their hair! Anywho, I hope Kadie dosent die, I know it's just natural for her to die but she is also the last pet in Calistas household(as far as I can remember) so it would be sad to see the last one go...BUT I love the unicorns and Calista and Adam are SUCH a cute couple so I hope they stay together! Gosh...I should probebly stop writing now cause this comment is getting really really long. So byes!!
    -Keira/Lani Hunter(Lani divorced and married another guy so that's why her last name changed:) And again bye!

    1. Sadly, Kadie has already died. :'(

      I agree! Calla and Zoe are just too cute!!!! Don't worry, Adam and Calista will definitely be staying together. For a very... very long time.

      Haha, I love long comments. They make my day so much brighter! ^_^

      Thanks, Lani!! :)

  9. It is a really great chapter. I love the snow parts and how the family was doing. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you liked the snow scenes. I tried not to make it too boring because I know how many people are featuring Seasons on their blogs. :P

      Thank you for commenting and reading!!

  10. Sorry that I'm such a late commenter!

    The foals are just beautiful... I'm not usually a fan of unicorns (they're so shiny!). but you've kinda made me one.

    Calla is still my favorite of the twins (although I love Zoe's hairstyle O_O). I read on FB that you'll be starting the next generation soon...are you gonna be using polls to decide the heir/heiress, or will you be deciding who it'll be?

    Seasons looks awesome in your game! I haven't winter out in my game yet...what's the best thing about it?

    Anyhow, it'll be sad to see this generation end, but I'm excited for the next one. :D


    1. It's no problem, Dessie! I am late at replying. >.<

      I've noticed that. Horses are just so shiny in general. But I'm glad you're liking them more. I'm not a big fan of them. They're harder to take pictures of. I prefer cats. xD

      It's really weird, Calla is my favorite too but everyone else seems to like Zoe. And a few people want her to be the heiress.

      I've decided that, at least for this generation, I will be choosing the heir/heiress. :D I think I've already mentioned (somewhere on FB) who it will be, if I'm remembering correctly.

      Thank you! Winter definitely slows my game down though. Hmmm, I really like the skating. xD It's very photogenic because the Sim's facial expressions are amazing. In my opinion, at least.

      I'm sad too. I'm going to miss Calista. D: But I'm so excited for generation two. I still have a lot of work to do for it but I'm excited nonetheless. :D

      Thanks, Dessie! Phew, this was a long reply.

  11. *sniffle, sniffle* This was so sweet! The children are adorable! I love all the fun in the snow! I can't wait to see what your next generation is going to be like!

    1. *blows nose* I'm so sad too. I've never been this attached to a sim. :')

      And I can't wait to show what it's like. I'll be posting some preview photos on Facebook soon. ^_^

      Thanks for reading, Cassie! :D

  12. Thank you, Melissa!

  13. One word: Adorable! :D

    ~Heather/Payton Bear <3
